Welcome, Voice Explorer!

Holly being goofy at Le Stuzzio, in Montreal, QC, May 2021.

Holly being goofy at Le Stuzzio, in Montreal, QC, May 2021.


I’m Holly, and I’ve been a professional voice actor for over thirty years. I wanted to share my knowledge and experience with people who are interested in the world of voice performance and everything that might entail. Thank you for being here with me; I’m very excited to meet you!

I’m originally from Montreal, Quebec, and started working as a young child thanks to my pro-singer mother and her colleagues in the world of studio sessions. I became part of a children’s chorus that would record radio jingles…does anyone even remember jingles? A few years later, I was brought to an audition for something called “dubbing.” It was a Romanian movie about a young gymnast and they needed to find the lead to record the English voiceover. Somehow, I landed the part and learned the intricacies of overdubbing soundtracks for film and television shows thanks to an incredible group of voice directors, actors and engineers. I haven’t looked back since that moment. 

Before I started this website, I grappled with a lot of self-doubt and anxiety about what I wanted to say and what this space was “for.” After some soul-searching and asking myself the usual hard questions (“What if I suck? What if I fail? What if I can’t help anyone?”), I realized I was simply letting fear get the best of me and avoiding my real desire to help people learn about their true vocal potential. Once I acknowledged that fear and decided to do this anyway, it became easier to get started. Which might be why you’ve come here today.

I’m deeply aware that my journey was a lucky one, full of privilege and opportunity. I also acknowledge that this privilege exists within the vacuum of a still-predominantly white industry in a province that is troubled with some deep cognitive dissonance when it comes to matters of race and inclusion. Slowly, I see places where this is shifting and changing, but there is still so much work to do. I am committed to sharing my knowledge with anyone and everyone who wants it, and my priority is helping BIPOC and other marginalized or forgotten groups find their footing in the changing landscapes of the industry. I offer sliding scale rates to anyone who requests them, and am always open to bartering services if money is an issue.

Throughout my career, and thanks to many missteps and total fails, I’ve learned some hard life lessons as well as universal skills that are beneficial to every aspect of my life both as a performer and as a human being in the world. I am committed to building a wide community of people who want to share knowledge and skills, and I hope that you will start a dialogue with me here.

I encourage you to ask any and all of your questions, big or small. I’ll always respond with as much information as I can, and I’ll support your journey with resources to help you find your voice and let it shine. I am so happy to meet you, fellow explorer. I can’t wait to hear your voice.

I want to hear from you!